

In Response to Yesterday's Mattermark Daily

Yesterday, Danielle Morrill highlighted an interesting statistic from Paul Graham in the Mattermark Daily. She referred to this tweet in which he shared a few stats about YC; the most interesting of which being "days since last contact" with their portfolio companies.

Then, she asked this question: “Are you willing to reveal these numbers for your fund?” and it got us thinking that this statistic should be readily available.While we only have 20 portfolio companies, compared to YC’s 564, we’re curious to hear what other firms with smaller portfolios have to say on the topic. “Contact” is defined by us as the last email, g-chat, meeting, or text we’ve had with our portfolio company. Yes, we text our portfolio companies.

As a relatively new venture fund, we pride ourselves on accessibility to our portfolio companies and our dedication to being as helpful to them as possible. While this is by no means a comprehensive metric to track “helpfulness”, we think it’s a good start.

- TX and Arteen

Days since last contact karlin ventures